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Working towards Health Equity

My public health research skills include quantitative data analysis, qualitative data collection and analysis, evaluation, and literature review. Below are some samples of my research. My public health research skills were certainly bolstered through my background in biology. I have extensive experience in bench laboratory science, including microbiology, genetics, chemistry, and organic chemistry.


Association of Sexual Orientation with Experience of Teen Dating Violence among YRBS Respondents, 2015-2019

Working with the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (AMCHP), I conducted a secondary data analysis on nationally representative data from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System. The resulting brief was shared within AMCHP.



As part of the capstone for the Wartburg College Biology major, I created and conducted an experiment with two fellow students. Our research, entitled, "The effect of environment on non-spatial memory in mice", was presented by poster during the annual Research, Internship and Creative Endeavor (RICE) Day at Wartburg in 2013. A full transcript detailing literature review, materials and methods, results and statistical analysis, and conclusions was subsequently created. Below is a link to the poster.



Throughout the course of a semester, I worked on streamlining the series of tests performed to distinguish 16 different microbes for use in the Wartburg College microbiology class. The resulting lab manual has since been adopted and used in the class.

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